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Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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Week of Nov. 28 - Dec. 4 Nov. 28 ---------- Wtr 23 Six weeks before instruction begins. Nov. 28 Registrar FS 22 Send verification data to the National Student Clearinghouse by electronic transfer - School of Law. (1st business day after semester begins, 1st business day after weeks 2, 4, 7, 11, & 15, and 1st business day after semester ends.) Nov. 28 Registrar Wtr 23 Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List emailed to Deans. (Monday of 9th week previous term through Monday of 4th week current term, each term. Dec. 1 Registrar monthly Send degree data to the National Student Clearinghouse by electronic transfer for any term or program awarded since previous month. (1st business day of every month.) Dec. 1 Registrar Wtr 23 Two weeks before UNFEE. Notify OIT NSP of WebReg restart day and time, and grade release. Dec. 2 Students Fal 22 Last day to change the grading option of a course; both $3 service charge and Dean's approval required. (5 p.m., Friday of 10th week, each term.) Dec. 2 Students Fal 22 Last day to withdraw from a course; W grade assigned; both $3 service charge and Deans' approval required. (5 p.m., Friday of 10th week, each term.) Dec. 2 Students Fal 22 Last day to withdraw from the term. Readmission to the University required for future term. (5 p.m., Friday of 10th week, each term.) Dec. 2 Instructors Fal 22 WebGrades available for submission beginning at 5 p.m. (Friday of 10th week, each term.) Dec. 2 Deans Spg 23 SOC comments due to Registrar by 5 p.m. Dec. 2 ---------- Fal 22 End of tenth week of instruction. (Instruction ends.) Dec. 2 ---------- FS 22 Instruction ends - School of Law. Dec. 2 Sum Sess Sum 23 Schedule due to Registrar by 5 p.m. ************************ Dec. 2-3 Registrar Fal 22 Delete Fall 22 fee assessments for students that have not paid. Dec. 2-3 Registrar Fal 22 Delete Fall 22 fee assessments for Medical students that have not paid. Dec. 2-3 Registrar Fal 22 Update students' records, produce updated reports. Dec. 3-9 ---------- Fal 22 Final examinations. Week of Dec. 5 - 11 Dec. 3-9 ---------- Fal 22 Final examinations. Dec. 5 ---------- Wtr 23 Five weeks before instruction begins. Dec. 5 Registrar Fal 22 Send verification data to the National Student Clearinghouse by electronic transfer - general campus. (1st day of instruction and 1st business day after weeks 2, 5, 7 & 10, each term.) Dec. 5 Registrar Fal 22 Final grade course reports due to School of Medicine. Dec. 5 Registrar Fal 22 End of 10th week reports available to Deans. (Monday of 11th week, each term.) Dec. 5 Registrar Wtr 23 Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List emailed to Deans. (Monday of 9th week previous term through Monday of 4th week current term, each term.) Dec. 9 Registrar Sum 22 CSS Degree File (CSSDEG) due to UCOP - Summer 2022 degrees. Dec. 9 ---------- Fal 22 Quarter ends. Week of Dec. 12 - 18 Dec. 12 ---------- Wtr 23 Four weeks before instruction begins. Dec. 12 Registrar Wtr 23 Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List emailed to Deans. (Monday of 9th week previous term through Monday of 4th week current term, each term.) Dec. 12-22 Registrar Spg 23 Load classes from eSOC to 25Live for manipulation in the Optimizer. Dec. 14 Deans Fal 22 Enrollment Exception approvals and denials close at 5 p.m. (Wednesday of 12th week, each term.) Dec. 15 Students SS 23 Last day to pay fees online or to Cashier Wtr 23 without $50 late payment charge. (5 p.m.) Dec. 15 Registrar SS 23 Class drop deadline. Classes dropped if Wtr 23 registration fees are not paid by 5 p.m. or if a hold remains on student's record. WebReg unavailable until 12 p.m., Dec. 18. Dec. 15 Registrar Wtr 23 Update SISPPS quarter. (Fee payment deadline, each term.) Dec. 16 Instructors Fal 22 Deadline for WebGrades submission, 5 p.m. (Thursday of 12th week, each term.) Dec. 16 Registrar Fal 22 Final grade update. (Thursday of 12th week, each term.) Dec. 16 & Students Wtr 23 Late fee payment subject to $50 late payment thereafter charge; deadline was Dec. 15. Dec. 16 Registrar Sum 22 Degrees Conferred File (Sum 2022) due to UCOP. Dec. 16 Students Fal 22 View grades in StudentAccess, 10 p.m. ************************ Dec. 16-17 Registrar Fal 22 Process final grades and begin production of grade reports for students and Deans. Week of Dec. 19 - 25 Dec. 16 & Students Wtr 23 Late fee payment subject to $50 late payment thereafter charge; deadline was Dec. 15. Dec. 19 ---------- Wtr 23 Three weeks before instruction begins. Dec. 19 Deans Wtr 23 Deadline for changes to eSOC for WebReg enrollment. (12 p.m., day waitlists are released, each term.) Dec. 19 Registrar Wtr 23 Waitlist system released to fill seats vacated by students who were dropped from their classes for non-payment of fees or if a hold remains on their record. (5 - 8 p.m.) Dec. 19 Registrar Fal 22 Official transcripts and student copy transcripts available to students. Dec. 19 Registrar Fal 22 Official transcripts held for final grades mailed. Dec. 19 Registrar Fal 22 End of 12th week/EOT reports available to Deans. (1st business day after FGU.) Dec. 19 Registrar Fal 22 Repeat List available to records section. (1st business day after FGU.) Dec. 19 Registrar Wtr 23 Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List emailed to Deans. (Monday of 9th week previous term through Monday of 4th week current term, each term.) Dec. 20 ---------- Wtr 23 WebReg available, 12 p.m. Dec. 20 Students Wtr 23 Undergraduates: 18-unit enrollment limit lifted. Limit increased to 20 units. (12 p.m.) Dec. 21 ---------- FS 22 End of Semester - School of Law. Dec. 22 ---------- Fal 22 Last business day of 2022. Dec. 22 Registrar FS 22 Send verification data to the National Student Clearinghouse by electronic transfer - School of Law. (1st business day after semester begins, 1st business day after weeks 2, 4, 7, 11, & 15, and 1st business day after semester ends.) Dec. 23- ---------- Wtr 23 Winter Administrative Recess; Jan. 2 campus offices closed. Week of Dec. 26 - Jan. 1 Dec. 26 ---------- Wtr 23 Two weeks before instruction begins. Dec. 16 & Students Wtr 23 Late fee payment subject to $50 late payment thereafter charge; deadline was Dec. 15. Dec. 23- ---------- Wtr 23 Winter Administrative Recess; Jan. 2 campus offices closed. Dec. 26 Registrar Wtr 23 Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List emailed to Deans. (Monday of 9th week previous through Monday of 4th week current quarter, each term.) Dec. 26 Registrar Fal 22 School/department copies of students' transcripts available to Deans. Week of Jan. 2 - 8 Jan. 2 ---------- Wtr 23 One week before instruction begin. |