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Registrar's Office Processing Calendar - January, 2022

Week of Jan. 3 - 9

Dec. 16 &   Students    Wtr 22  Late fee payment subject to $50 late payment
thereafter                      charge; deadline was Dec. 15.

Jan. 3      Registrar   Wtr 22  Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List
                                emailed to Deans. (Monday of 9th week
                                previous through Monday of 4th week current
                                quarter, each term.)

Jan. 3      ----------  Wtr 22  Quarter begins.

Jan. 3      ----------  Wtr 22  Instruction begins. (Monday.)

Jan. 3      ----------  SS 22   Semester begins-School of Law.

Jan. 3      ----------  SS 22   Instruction begins-School of Law.

Jan. 3      Registrar   monthly Send degree data to the National Student
                                Clearinghouse by electronic transfer - for
                                any term or program awarded since previous
                                month. (1st business day of every month.)

Jan. 3      Registrar   Wtr 22  Class Enrollment Statistics and Graduate
                                Study Lists available to Deans. (1st day of
                                instruction, each term.)

Jan. 3      Registrar   Wtr 22  Request race/ethnic data for new students
                                from OARS, Graduate Admissions, and the
                                Medical School for 3rd week reporting. (1st
                                day of instruction, each term.)

Jan. 3      Registrar   Wtr 22  Send verification data to the National
                                Student Clearinghouse by electronic
                                transfer - general campus. (1st day of
                                instruction and 1st business day after weeks
                                2, 5, 7 & 10, each term.)

Jan. 3      Registrar   SS 22   Send verification data to the National
                                Student Clearinghouse by electronic
                                transfer - School of Law. (1st business day
                                after semester begins, 1st business day
                                after weeks 2, 4, 7, 11, & 15, and 1st
                                business day after semester ends.)

Jan. 3      Registrar   Spg 22  Make SOC comments available to departments.

Jan. 3-21   Deans       Spg 22  Review SOC comments.

Jan. 3-21   Deans       Spg 22  Proof SOC and request GACs by entering @ in
                                the Building and Room fields on eSOC. Email
                                SOC Coordinator to request room

Jan. 7      ----------  SS 22   End of first week semester - School of Law.

Jan. 7      ----------  Wtr 22  End of first week of instruction.

Jan. 7      Deans       Fal 22  Deadline to notify Registrar which quarter
                                to build F22 - either F21 or S22 may be


Jan. 7-8    Registrar   Wtr 22  Update students' records and produce updated

Week of Jan. 10 - 16

Dec. 16 &   Students    Wtr 22  Late fee payment subject to $50 late payment
thereafter                      charge; deadline was Dec. 15.

Jan. 10     Registrar   Wtr 22  Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List
                                emailed to Deans. (Monday of 9th week
                                previous through Monday of 4th week current
                                quarter, each term.)

Jan. 10     Registrar   Wtr 22  Class Enrollment Statistics and Graduate
                                Study Lists available to Deans. (Monday of
                                2nd week, each term.)

Jan. 10-28  Registrar   Fal 22  Build F22 SOC from F21 or S22.

Jan. 13     Registrar   Wtr 22  Interface undergraduate and graduate
                                admissions systems. (5 p.m., Thursday of 2nd
                                week, each term.)

Jan. 13     Instructors FS 21   Deadline for School of Law grade submission,
                                12 p.m.

Jan. 13     Law         FS 21   Deadline for WebGrades submission, 5 p.m.

Jan. 13     Law         FS 21   Deadline to submit award files (course and
                                Pro Bono) to Registrar, 5 p.m.

Jan. 13     Law         FS 21   Deadline to submit degree certification list
                                to Registrar, 5 p.m.

Jan. 13     Law         FS 21   Deadline to submit Bar list to Registrar for
                                transcript production, 5 p.m.

Jan. 13     Registrar   FS 21   Final grade update for Law.

Jan. 13     Registrar   FS 21   Post Law degrees to transcripts.

Jan. 13     Students    FS 21   View Law grades with degrees & awards in
                                StudentAccess, 8 p.m.

Jan. 14     Registrar   FS 21   Post Law awards (course and Pro Bono) to

Jan. 14     Students    Wtr 22  Last day to add a class without Dean's
                                approval and without $3 service charge.
                                (5 p.m., Friday of 2nd week, each term.)

Jan. 14     Students    Wtr 22  Last day to drop a class without Dean's
                                approval and without $3 service charge.
                                (5 p.m., Friday of 2nd week, each term.)

Jan. 14     Students    Wtr 22  Last day to change grading option or
                                variable units without Dean's approval and
                                without $3 service charge. (5 p.m., Friday
                                of 2nd week, each term.)

Jan. 14     Deans       Wtr 22  Deadline to modify eSOC "Instr Req'd Enrll
                                Exception." (5 p.m., Friday of 2nd week,
                                each term.)

Jan. 14     ----------  Wtr 22  Waitlists deactivated at 5 p.m. (Friday of
                                2nd week, each term.)

Jan. 14     ----------  SS 22   End of second week semester - School of Law.

Jan. 14     ----------  Wtr 22  End of second week of instruction.


Jan. 14-15  Registrar   Wtr 22  Update students' records and produce updated

Jan. 15 &   Students    Wtr 22  Late enrollment subject to $50 late
thereafter                      enrollment charge; deadline was January 14.

Week of Jan. 17 - 23

Dec. 16 &   Students    Wtr 22  Late fee payment subject to $50 late payment
thereafter                      charge; deadline was Dec. 15.

Jan. 15 &   Students    Wtr 22  Late enrollment subject to $50 late
thereafter                      enrollment charge; deadline was January 14.

Jan. 17     ----------  Wtr 22  Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday; campus
                                offices closed.

Jan. 18     Registrar   Wtr 22  Send verification data to the National
                                Student Clearinghouse by electronic
                                transfer - general campus. (1st day of
                                instruction and 1st business day after weeks
                                2, 5, 7 & 10, each term.)

Jan. 18     Registrar   SS 22   Send verification data to the National
                                Student Clearinghouse by electronic
                                transfer - School of Law. (1st business day
                                after semester begins, 1st business day
                                after weeks 2, 4, 7, 11, & 15, and 1st
                                business day after semester ends.)

Jan. 18     Registrar   FS 21   Official transcripts with degrees and awards
                                available to students.

Jan. 18     Registrar   Wtr 22  Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List
                                emailed to Deans. (Monday of 9th week
                                previous quarter through Monday of 4th week
                                current quarter, each term.)

Jan. 18     Registrar   Wtr 22  Class Enrollment Statistics and Graduate
                                Study Lists available to Deans. (Monday of
                                3rd week, each term; or next business day.)

Jan. 19     Registrar   FS 21   Bar transcripts available to Law, 12 p.m.
                                (No honors posting required.)

Jan. 19     Students    Wtr 22  Last day for graduate students to submit
                                part-time status petition to Grad Div.
                                (Wednesday of 3rd week, each term.)

Jan. 21     Students    Wtr 22  Last day for undergraduate students to
                                submit part-time status petition to
                                Registrar. (Friday of 3rd week, each term.)

Jan. 21     Students    Wtr 22  Final deadline for paying fees and enrolling
                                late. Loss of student status if fees not
                                paid and/or enrolled in zero units. (4 p.m.,
                                Friday of 3rd week, each term.)

Jan. 21     ----------  Wtr 22  Cut-off for official statistical reports.
                                (Friday of 3rd week, each term.)

Jan. 21     Registrar   Wtr 22  CSS file, Third Week File, due to OIR.
                                (Friday of 3rd week, each term.)

Jan. 21     ----------  Wtr 22  End of third week of instruction.

Jan. 21     ----------  SS 22   End of third week semester - School of Law.

Jan. 21     Deans       Spg 22  Print copy of SOC and indicate linkage for
                                enrollment purposes. Submit to Registrar
                                proofing copy of SOC with final comments and
                                linkage indicated by 5 p.m. (Friday of 3rd
                                week, previous quarter, each term.)

Jan. 21     Deans       Spg 22  Deadline to update B and X restricted
                                classes in eSOC. (5 p.m., Friday of 3rd
                                week, previous quarter, each term.)


Jan. 21-22  Registrar   Wtr 22  Delete Wtr 22 fee assessment for students
                                that have not paid or cancel/withdraw if
                                fees paid and enrolled in zero units.

Jan. 21-22  Registrar   Wtr 22  Update students' records and produce updated

Jan. 21-22  Registrar   Spg 22  Update WebReg to announce date to view S22
                                enrollment windows: "View Spring 2022
                                enrollment windows on February 14, 2022."

Week of Jan. 24 - 30

Jan. 24     Registrar   Wtr 22  Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List
                                emailed to Deans. (Monday of 9th week
                                previous quarter through Monday of 4th week
                                current quarter, each term.)

Jan. 24     Registrar   Wtr 22  Class Enrollment Statistics and Graduate
                                Study Lists available to Deans. (Monday of
                                4th week, each term.)

Jan. 24     Registrar   Wtr 22  Generate and assign rooms to final exams.
                                (Monday of 4th week, each term.)

Jan. 24-    Deans       Spg 22  eSOC not available from 5 p.m.,
Feb. 4                          Jan. 24 - Feb. 4 for updates while schedule
                                is being prepared for enrollment. On
                                Feb. 8, departments may remove B or X
                                restrictions if they will not be enforced
                                until the first day of instruction. No
                                Spring room requests accepted during this

Jan. 24-    Registrar   Spg 22  Prepare SOC for enrollment and publishing;
Feb. 4                          link classes; establish waitlists.

Jan. 28     ----------  SS 22   End of fourth week semester - School of Law.

Jan. 28     ----------  Wtr 22  End of fourth week of instruction.

Jan. 28     Registrar   Fal 22  Last day for Registrar to build F22 SOC from
                                F21 or S22.


Jan. 28-29  Registrar   Wtr 21  Update students' records and produce updated

Week of Jan. 31 - Feb. 6 located in the month of February 2022.