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Registrar's Office Processing Calendar - May, 2020

Week of May 4 - 10

Apr. 27-    ----------  SS 20   Final examinations - School of Law.
May 8

May 4       Registrar   Wtr 20  Winter Latin Honors eligibility list
                                available to Deans for diplomas. (1st
                                business day after degree award
                                certification deadline.)

May 4       Registrar   Spg 20  Spring Latin Honors eligibility list
                                available to Deans for commencement list.
                                (1st business day after winter degree award
                                certification deadline, spring term

May 4       Registrar   Spg 20  Send verification data to the National
                                Student Clearinghouse by electronic
                                transfer - general campus. (1st day of
                                instruction and 1st business day after weeks
                                2, 5, 7 & 10, each term.)

May 4       Registrar   Fal 20  Make eSOC available again. (Monday of 6th
                                week, previous term, each term.)

May 4       Registrar   Fal 20  Authorization codes available in WebRosters.
                                (Monday of 6th week, previous term, each

May 4       OARS        Fal 20  Generate enrollment windows for new
                                undergraduate students - Freshman and
                                Transfers (Thursday of 6th week, spring
                                quarter.) Fees will be assessed in July.

May 8       ---------   SS 20   Semester ends - School of Law.

May 8       Registrar   Spg 20  CSS & CED files, Third Week File, due to
                                UCOP. (Friday of 6th week, each term.)

May 8       Deans       Spg 20  Deadline to edit/update electronic
                                graduation applications. Updated
                                commencement list due to Registrar. (5 p.m.,
                                Friday of 6th week, spring quarter,

May 8       Students    Spg 20  Last day to drop a course without receiving
                                a W grade; both $3 service charge and Deans'
                                approval required. (5 p.m., Friday of 6th
                                week, each term.)

May 8       Students    Spg 20  Last day to change the grading or variable
                                units of a course; both $3 service charge
                                and Dean's approval required. (5 p.m.,
                                Friday of 6th week, each term.)

May 8       ----------  Spg 20  End of the sixth week of instruction.


May 8-9     Registrar   Spg 20  Update students' records and produce updated

May 9       ----------  SS 20   Commencement - School of Law.

May 9       Registrar   Sum 20  Start daily student data download to OIT.
                        Fal 20  (Saturday of 6th week, previous term,
                                each term.)

Week of May 11 - 17

May 11      Registrar   SS 20   Send verification data to the National
                                Student Clearinghouse by electronic
                                transfer - School of Law. (1st business day
                                after semester begins, 1st business day
                                after weeks 2, 4, 7, 11, & 15, and 1st
                                business day after semester ends.)

May 11      Registrar   Spg 20  Class Enrollment Statistics and Graduate
                                Study Lists available to Deans. (Monday of
                                7th week, each term.)

May 11      Students    Fal 20  Continuing students access WebReg to
                                check time and date of enrollment windows.
                                (Monday of 7th week, each term.)

May 11      ----------  Fal 20  F/H/EMBA and EAP begin enrolling their
                                students. (Monday of 7th week, each term.)

May 12?     OIT         Fal 20  @uci.edu campus emails generated for new
                                Freshmen/Transfer students.

May 13      Registrar   Sum 19- List of degree candidates, including summer
                        Spg 20  through spring Latin Honors, for publication
                                in the Commencement Program due to Editor.
                                (Wednesday of 7th week, spring quarter,

May 14      Deans       Fal 20  Deadline to modify eSOC for WebReg
                                enrollment (12 noon, Thursday of 7th week,
                                previous term, each term.)

May 15      Students    Sum 20  Last day for School of Medicine students
                                to pay fees online or to Cashier without
                                $50 late payment charge. (4 p.m.)

May 15      Registrar   Sum 20  Update enrollment for School of Medicine.

May 15      Registrar   Sum 20  Updated Short Form Study List due to School
                                of Medicine.

May 16 &    Students    Sum 20  Late fee payment subject to $50 late payment
thereafter                      charge, School of Medicine; deadline was
                                May 15.

May 15      ----------  Spg 20  End of seventh week of instruction.

May 15      Registrar   Fal 20  Registrar reviews SOC for enrollment.
                                (Friday of 7th week, previous term, each

May 15      Registrar   Fal 20  Produce SOC Archive by Term, a snapshot copy
                                of SOC (.html) for WebReg enrollment.
                                (5 p.m., Friday of 7th week, previous
                                quarter, each term.)

Week of May 18 - 24

May 16 &    Students    Sum 20  Late fee payment subject to $50 late payment
thereafter                      charge, School of Medicine; deadline was
                                May 15.

May 18     Students     Fal 20  Continuing students begin enrolling in
                                classes via WebReg (Monday of 8th week, each

May 18     Students     Fal 20  Undergraduates: 18-unit enrollment limit
                                until 12 p.m., Sept 4?.

May 22     ----------   Spg 20  End of eighth week of instruction.

Week of May 25 - 31

May 16 &    Students    Sum 20  Late fee payment subject to $50 late payment
thereafter                      charge, School of Medicine; deadline was
                                May 15.

May 25     ----------   Spg 20  Memorial Day Holiday; campus offices closed.

May 25     ----------   Sum 20  Quarter begins, School of Medicine.

May 25     Registrar    Fal 20  Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List
                                emailed to Deans. (Monday of 9th week
                                previous term through Monday of 4th week
                                current term, each term.)

May 26     ----------   Sum 20  Instruction begins for summer quarter,
                                School of Medicine.

May 29     ----------   Spg 20  End of ninth week of instruction.

May 29     ----------   Sum 20  End of first week of instruction - School of


May 30 &   Students     Sum 20  Late enrollment subject to $50 late
thereafter                      enrollment charge, School of Medicine
                                students; deadline was May 29.