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Registrar's Office Processing Calendar - July, 2014

Week of Jun. 30 - Jul. 6

Jun. 17 &  Students     Sum 14  Late fee payment subject to $50 late
thereafter                      payment charge, F/H/EMBA students;
                                deadline was June 16.

Jun. 30    Registrar    2013-14 Request Non-UC Programs Abroad data from
                                Study Abroad Center (June 30 or prior 
                                business day, annually). 

Jun. 30    Registrar    Fal 14  Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List emailed
                                to deans (Monday of 9th week previous quarter 
                                through Monday of 4th week current quarter, 
                                each term).

Jul. 1     Registrar    FS  14  Start daily course and student data 
                                download to OIT (Jul. 1 or next business 
                                day, annually).

Jul. 1     Registrar    Wtr 15  Start daily applicant file download to OIT
                                for next calendar year Wtr Qtr. 
                                (July 1 or next business day, annually.)

Jul. 4     ----------   Sum 14  Independence Day Holiday; campus offices

Week of Jul. 7 - 13

Jul. 7     Registrar    Sum 14  Take Third Week snapshot of SS I SIF for CSS
                                and ECF for OIR, UCOP, and DUE (census date).

Jul. 7     Registrar    Fal 14  Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List emailed
                                to deans (Monday of 9th week previous quarter 
                                through Monday of 4th week current quarter, 
                                each term).

Jul. 9     Registrar    Sum 14  Send verification data to the National Student
                                Clearinghouse by electronic transfer at SSI 
                                census date (2 business days after SSI census

Jul. 11    Deans        Wtr 15  Deadline to notify Registrar which quarter
                                to build W14 - either W14 or F14 may be 

Week of Jul. 14 - 20

Jul. 14     Registrar   Fal 14  Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List emailed
                                to deans (Monday of 9th week previous quarter 
                                through Monday of 4th week current quarter, 
                                each term). 

Jul. 14-   Registrar    Wtr 15  Build W15 from W14 or F14.   
Aug. 1

Jul. 15    Registrar    Sum 14  Take Third Week snapshot of SS 10WK SIF for CSS
                                and ECF for OIR, UCOP, and DUE (census date).

Jul. 16-17 ----------   Fal 14  SPOP 1 - Student Parent Orientation Program. 

Jul. 18    Registrar    Spg 14  Send CSS file, End of Quarter File, to UCOP.

*****      *****

Jul. 18-19 Registrar    FS  14  Generate enrollment windows for new
                                School of Law students.

Jul. 18-19 Registrar    FS  14  Generate fee assessments for new and 
                                continuing School of Law students.  

Jul. 18-19 Registrar    Fal 14  Generate fee assessments for new and
                                continuing undergraduate and graduate

Jul. 18-19 Registrar    Fal 14  Generate enrollment windows for continuing 
                                and new School of Medicine students.

Jul. 18-19 Registrar    Fal 14  Generate fee assessments for new and 
                                continuing School of Medicine students.

Jul. 22-23 ----------   Fal 14  SPOP 2 - Student Parent Orientation Program.

Week of Jul. 21 - 27

Jul. 21    Sch of Med   Fal 14  School of Medicine begins enrolling
                                continuing and new students.

Jul. 21    Registrar    Fal 14  Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List emailed
                                to deans (Monday of 9th week previous quarter 
                                through Monday of 4th week current quarter, 
                                each term).

Jul. 22-23 ----------   Fal 14  SPOP 2 - Student Parent Orientation Program.

Jul. 25    Deans        Spg 14  Degree award certifications due to Registrar 
                                (six weeks after quarter ends).

Jul. 26-27 ----------   Fal 14  SPOP 3 - Student Parent Orientation Program.

          Week of July 28 - August 3 located in the month of August 2014.