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Course Authorization Codes

Course restrictions are determined and placed by the department offering the course. When and if a restriction is removed, is also determined by the department offering the course. Therefore, courses may continue to be restricted throughout the Enrollment by Window and Open Enrollment periods.

Questions regarding restriction codes placed on a course should be directed to the Schedule of Classes Coordinator of the department offering the course.

Existing restrictions are identified in the Rstr column of the Schedule of Classes (SOC). Refer to our list of Course Restriction Codes for detailed descriptions of the various restriction codes.

B and X Authorization Codes

B and X authorization codes are designed to regulate the ability to add, drop, or change enrollment through WebReg during the Enrollment by Window and Open Enrollment periods. Through the Schedule of Classes Coordinators, departments can place a B or X authorization code requirement on a course. Faculty can then use WebRoster to obtain authorization codes for distribution to the students they wish to authorize.

Students may request an authorization code from the instructor of the course. Be advised that both B and X authorization codes will override restrictions such as: time conflicts, prerequisites, and maximum enrollment capacities. It will also override SOC restrictions such as: major only, freshman only, upper division only, etc. It will not override a student's unit limit (18 or 20 units for undergraduates; 16 units for graduates).

The difference between the two is that the B Code may be used for multiple transactions, whereas the X Code is more restrictive and may be used for a single designated transaction. Specific rules regarding these two rules are listed below.

A course may initially be assigned a B or X restriction when enrollment begins. Alternatively, a course may be assigned either restriction later in the enrollment period.

To determine if the course requires instructor or departmental authorization, please refer to the Schedule of Classes. Often, departments will explain how to obtain the necessary authorization code in the school's or department's comments in the Schedule of Classes.

To view details on codes other than the B or X codes, please refer to our list of Course Restriction Codes.

B Code: A 4-digit authorization code from the instructor or department is required in order to fulfill an add, drop, or change request via WebReg. A student may use a single B restriction authorization code for multiple enrollment transactions (add, drop, and change) for the authorized course.

X Code: A unique 4-digit authorization code from the instructor or department is required in order to fulfill an add, drop, or change request via WebReg. A student may use the unique X restriction code for a single designated enrollment transaction. Further enrollment transactions will require the student to obtain an additional authorization code.

B and X Codes for Courses with Co-Classes

Courses restricted with B or X restrictions that also have a required co-class with B or X restriction will require multiple authorization codes.

Therefore a course with a B or X restriction that also requires a co-class (e.g., DIS) with B or X restriction will require a second authorization code for the DIS. Similarly, a course with a B or X restriction that requires two co-classes (e.g., DIS and LAB) with B or X restrictions will require a second authorization code for the DIS and a third authorization code for the LAB.

Waitlists for Courses with a B or X Code

Courses initially assigned a B or X restriction will not have a waitlist. A course with an active waitlist that is later assigned a B or X restriction will automatically have its waitlist deactivated. If you are on a waitlist for a course that is later assigned a B or X restriction, you must:

  1. Obtain an authorization code to enroll through WebReg; and
  2. Remove yourself from the waitlist prior to enrolling in the course.

You are advised not to remove yourself from the waitlist until you have received an authorization code.

All waitlists are deactivated on Friday of the second week of instruction at 5 p.m.