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UC Irvine Aldrich Park

Enrollment After Instruction has Begun

Students may use WebReg through the 2nd week of instruction to:

  • Add a class
  • Drop a class
  • Change the grading option of a class
  • Change the unit value of a variable unit class

Enrollment Exceptions

Beginning Monday of the 3rd week of instruction, Enrollment Exceptions are used to add, drop, change grading options, or change the unit value of a course. The option to switch between zero unit courses, such as discussions, is also available through Enrollment Exceptions.

Enrollment Exception requests to add, drop, or switch courses require approval from the academic advising office of the school offering the course and the school of the student's major (if different). Enrollment Exception requests to change variable units or grading option require only the approval of the academic advising office of the student's major.

Instructors: If you have Enrollment Exceptions submitted for your review, they can be accessed through WebRoster. (Instructor participation in the Enrollment Exception process is determined by the associate dean of the applicable school.)

Deans or Designees: If you have Enrollment Exceptions submitted for your review, they can be accessed through WebAdmin.

A weekly notification email is sent to faculty and staff who have Enrollment Exception requests that require their action. Students are notified by email every 24 hours when they have a message which has not been viewed.

Students are responsible for monitoring the status of their Enrollment Exception requests and providing required information in a timely manner. Faculty and staff have the option of denying the request due to a lack of response from the student.

If you have questions on Enrollment Exception procedures, contact us at

SOC Restrictions (Schedule of Classes)

B and X authorization codes are designed to regulate the ability to add, drop, or change enrollment through WebReg during the Enrollment by Window and Open Enrollment periods. Through the Schedule of Classes Coordinators, departments can place a B or X authorization code requirement on a course. Faculty can then use WebRoster to obtain authorization codes for distribution to the students they wish to authorize.

The difference between the two is that the B Code may be used for multiple transactions, whereas the X Code is more restrictive and may be used for a single designated transaction. Specific rules regarding these two rules are listed below.

A course may initially be assigned a B or X restriction when enrollment begins. Alternatively, a course may be assigned either restriction later in the enrollment period.

Further information on B and X restrictions can be found on our Course Authorization Codes webpage. A complete list of all SOC restriction codes is also available.