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Thursday, March 13, 2025
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Week of Jan. 29 - Feb. 4 Jan. 29 Registrar SS 18 Send verification data to the National Student Clearinghouse by electronic transfer - School of Law. (1 business day after 3rd week of instruction, each term.) Jan. 29 Registrar Wtr 18 Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List emailed to deans (Monday of 9th week previous quarter through Monday of 4th week current quarter, each term). Jan. 29 Registrar Wtr 18 Send verification data to the National Student Clearinghouse by electronic transfer - general campus (1st day of instruction and 1st business day after weeks 1, 3, 6, & 10, each term). Jan. 29 Registrar Wtr 18 Class Enrollment Statistics and Graduate Study Lists available to deans (Monday of 4th week, each term). Jan. 29 Registrar Wtr 18 Generate and assign rooms to final exams (Monday of 4th week, each term). Jan. 29- Deans Spg 18 eSOC not available from 5 p.m. Jan. 29 - Feb. 9 Feb. 9 for most updates while schedule is being prepared for enrollment. On Feb. 12, departments may remove B or X restrictions if they will not be enforced until the first day of instruction. No Spring room requests accepted during this time. Jan. 29- Registrar Spg 18 Prepare SOC for enrollment and publishing; Feb. 9 link classes; establish waitlists. Jan. 29 - Registrar Spg 18 Begin entering variable topic course titles in Feb. 9 master course database. Feb. 1 Registrar monthly Send degree data to the National Student Clearinghouse by electronic transfer - for any term or program awarded since previous month (1st business day of every month). Feb. 1 Students Spg 18 Deadline to readmit (undergraduate) (February 1, annually). Feb. 2 ---------- SS 18 End of fourth week of semester-School of Law. Feb. 2 ---------- Wtr 18 End of fourth week of instruction. Feb. 2 Registrar Fal 18 Last day for Registrar to build F18 SOC from F17 or S18. Week of Feb. 5 - 11 Feb. 5- Deans Fal 18 Beginning of Build Phase for departments. Mar. 9 Make changes, deletions, and additions directly into ESOC. Departments should enter first preferences in the Building and Room fields in ESOC. Schedule classes on-module in large rooms to maximize use of those rooms. Feb. 5 Registrar Fal 18 Make F18 courses available in ESOC. Feb. 7 Spec Prog Spg 18 Deadline to identify Special Program students to Registrar for enrollment priority (Wednesday of 5th week, each term). Feb. 8 Deans Spg 18 Deadline to place student record holds affecting future registration (Thursday of 5th week, each term). Feb. 9 Deans Fal 17 Degree award certifications due to Registrar (8 weeks after fall quarter ends). Feb. 9 ---------- SS 18 End of fifth week of semester-School of Law. Feb. 9 Deans/ Wtr 18 All change of program petitions and all Students other changes in academic records due to Registrar (Friday of 5th week, each term). Feb. 9 ---------- Wtr 18 End of fifth week of instruction. Feb. 9 Registrar Spg 18 Last day for Registrar to: prepare SOC for enrollment and publishing; link classes; establish waitlists. (Friday of 5th week, previous quarter, each term.) Feb. 9 Deans Spg 18 Deadline to submit prerequisites to Registrar for CAP - Comprehensive Active Prerequisite Checking (5 p.m., Friday of 5th week, previous quarter, each term). ***** ***** Feb. 9-10 Registrar Wtr 18 Update students' records and produce updated reports. Feb. 9-10 Registrar Wtr 18 Delete Wtr 18 fee assessments for visitors that have not paid. Feb. 9-10 Registrar Spg 18 Generate enrollment windows and fee assessments for continuing and new students. Feb. 10 Registrar Spg 18 Schedule of Classes available (Saturday of 5th week, previous quarter, each term). Feb. 10 Registrar Spg 18 Start daily course data download to OIT (Saturday of 5th week, previous quarter, each term). Week of Feb. 12 - 18 Feb. 12 Registrar Fal 17 Fall Latin Honors eligibility list available to deans for diplomas (first business day after degree award certification deadline). Feb. 12 ---------- Spg 18 Seven weeks before instruction begins. Feb. 12 Registrar Spg 18 Make ESOC available again (Monday of 6th week, previous quarter, each term.) Feb. 12 Registrar Spg 18 Authorization codes available in WebRosters (Monday of 6th week, previous quarter, each term). Feb. 15 Registrar Spg 18 WebReg will display "unavailable" message regarding fee deadline down-time (1 month prior to fee deadline). Feb. 16? SBS Spg 18 Apply graduate/financial aid to student ZOT accounts. Feb. 16 Registrar Fal 17 CSS & CED file, End of Quarter File, due to UCOP. (Friday of 6th week, subsequent quarter, each term). Feb. 16 ---------- SS 18 End of sixth week of semester-School of Law. Feb. 16 Registrar Wtr 18 CSS & CED files, Third Week File, due to UCOP. (Friday of 6th week, each term.) Feb. 16 Students Wtr 18 Last day to drop a course without receiving a W grade; both $3 service charge and deans' approval required (5 p.m., Friday of 6th week, each term). Feb. 16 Students Wtr 18 Last day to change the grading or variable units of a course; both $3 service charge and dean's approval required (5 p.m. Friday of 6th week, each term). Feb. 16 Students Wtr 18 LARC registration ends at 5 p.m. (Friday of 6th week, each term). Feb. 16 ---------- Wtr 18 End of sixth week of instruction. ***** ***** Feb. 16-17 Registrar Wtr 18 Update students' records and produce updated reports. Feb. 17 Registrar Spg 18 Start daily student data download to OIT (Saturday of 6th week, previous quarter, each term). Week of Feb. 19 - 25 Feb. 19 ---------- Wtr 18 President's Day Holiday; campus offices closed. Feb. 19 Registrar Wtr 18 Class Enrollment Statistics and Graduate Study Lists available to deans (Monday of 7th week, each term; or next business day). Feb. 19 ---------- Spg 18 Six weeks before instruction begins. Feb. 19 Students Spg 18 Students access WebReg to check when their enrollment window opens (Monday of 7th week, each term). Feb. 19 ---------- Spg 18 F/H/EMBA, EAP and School of Medicine begin enrolling their students (Monday of 7th week, each term). Feb. 20 Registrar Wtr 18 Send verification data to the National Student Clearinghouse by electronic transfer - general campus (1st day of instruction and 1st business day after weeks 1, 3, 6, & 10, each term). Feb. 22 Deans Spg 18 Deadline to modify ESOC for WebReg enrollment (12 noon, Thursday of 7th week, previous quarter, each term). Feb. 23 ---------- SS 18 End of seventh week of semester-School of Law. Feb. 23 ---------- Wtr 18 End of seventh week of instruction. Feb. 23 Registrar Spg 18 Registrar reviews SOC for enrollment (Friday of 7th week, previous quarter, each term). Feb. 23 Registrar Spg 18 Produce SOC Archive by Term, a snapshot copy of SOC (html) for WebReg enrollment (5 p.m., Friday of the 7th week, previous quarter, each term). Week of Feb. 26 - Mar. 4 located in the month of March 2018 |