The tuition, fees, and charges posted to your billing statement or account are estimates based on currently approved amounts. These figures may not be final. Actual tuition, fees, and charges are subject to change by the Regents of the University of California and could be affected by increases or reductions in State funding, or other developments. Accordingly, final approved levels (and thus your final balance due) may differ from the amounts shown.
Annual fee includes campused-based fees of $769.50 and quarterly campus-based fees of $256.50.
All students in the MCRS program will pay an annual fee for each new academic year (rather than a program fee) for the two-year program regardless of the cohort or the entering fall quarter.
*The non-refundable eTech Fee is required of all
students and is used to support the maintenance and improvement of existing education technology, and new
services and capabilities. The eTech fee is listed separately as the charged amount varies based on the amount
of undergraduate units the student is enrolled in and is assessed later in the term than the other fees listed.
The fee is $4 per unit of undergraduate lecture course, up to a maximum amount of $60 (or 15 units) per quarter.
It will be assessed after the third week of instruction. The $60 eTech Fee included on this chart reflects the
maximum possible fee.