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Registrar's Office Processing Calendar - June, 2009

Week of Jun. 1 - 7

Jun. 1     Registrar    Fal 09  Illegal and Multiple Repeat List
                                emailed to deans (Monday of 9th week
                                previous quarter through Monday of
                                4th week current quarter, quarterly).

Jun. 5     Instructors  Wtr 09  Final grade course reports due to
                                SOM Registrar.

Jun. 5     Students     Spg 09  Last day to change class enrollment.
                                The Registrar cannot accept add, 
                                drop, or change cards after this date
                                (4:30 p.m., the last day of classes, 

Jun. 5     ----------   Spg 09  End of tenth week of classes
                                (instruction ends).

Jun. 5     Instructors  Spg 09  WebGrades available for submission,
                                beginning at 5:00 p.m. (Friday of
                                10th week, quarterly).

*****      *****

Jun. 5-6   Registrar    Spg 09  Delete Spg 09 fee assessments for
                                students that have not paid for 
                                Spring 2009.

Jun. 5-6   Registrar    Spg 09  Update students' records, produce
                                updated reports.

Week of Jun. 8 - 14

Jun. 8     Registrar    Spg 09  Send verification data to the National
                                Student Clearinghouse by electronic
                                transfer (first business day after EOA,
                                and weeks 1, 3, 6, & 10, quarterly).

Jun. 8     Registrar    Spg 09  Class Enrollment Statistics available
                                to deans (Monday of 11th week, 

Jun. 8     Registrar    Spg 09  Final grade course reports due to
                                School of Medicine.

Jun. 8     Registrar    Fal 09  Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List
                                emailed to deans (Monday of 9th week
                                previous quarter through Monday of
                                4th week current quarter, quarterly).

Jun. 8-12  ----------   Spg 09  Final examinations.

Jun. 12    ----------   Spg 09  Quarter ends.

Jun. 12-14 ----------   Spg 09  Commencement.

Jun. 12    Grad Div     Fal 09  Generate enrollment windows and fee
                                assessments for new graduate students.

Week of Jun. 15 - 21

Jun. 15    *Students    Sum 09  Last day for School of Medicine and
                                F/H/EMBA students to pay fees online
                                or to Cashier without $50 late
                                payment charge (4:30 p.m.).

Jun. 15    Registrar    Sum 09  Update enrollment for School of

Jun. 15    Registrar    Fal 09  Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List
                                emailed to deans (Monday of 9th week
                                previous quarter through Monday of
                                4th week current quarter, quarterly).

Jun. 16 &   Students    Sum 09  Late fee payment subject to $50 late
thereafter                      payment charge, School of Medicine   
                                and F/H/EMBA students; deadline was 
                                June 15.

Jun. 17    Registrar    Sum 09  Updated Short Form Study List
                                due to School of Medicine.

Jun. 17    Students     Fal 09  New graduate students begin enrolling 
                                in classes via WebReg.

Jun. 18   Instructors   Spg 09  Deadline for WebGrades submission,
                                5:00 p.m. (Thursday of 12th week,

Jun. 19    Registrar    Spg 09  Final grade update (Friday afternoon
                                of 12th week).

Jun. 19    Students     Spg 09  View grades in StudentAccess, 
                                8:00 p.m. 

*****      *****

Jun. 19-20 Registrar    Spg 09  Process final grades and begin 
                                production of grade reports for

Week of Jun. 22 - 28

Jun. 16  &  Students    Sum 09  Late fee payment subject to $50 late
thereafter                      payment charge, School of Medicine   
                                and F/H/EMBA students; deadline was 
                                June 15.

Jun. 22    Registrar    Spg 09  Send CSS file, End of Quarter File, to
                                SW IS&AS (Monday after 12th week,

Jun. 22    Registrar    Spg 09  Class Enrollment Statistics available
                                to deans (Monday after FGU,

Jun. 22    Registrar    Spg 09  Repeat List available to records
                                section (first business day after FGU).

Jun. 22    Registrar    Spg 09  Official transcripts and student copy
                                transcripts available to students
                                (first business day after FGU).

Jun. 22    Registrar    Spg 09  Official transcripts held for final
                                grades mailed (first business day
                                after FGU).

Jun. 22    Registrar    Spg 09  Produce RegInfo Archive, a snapshot
                                copy of RegInfo at end of term
                                (5:00 p.m., first business day after
                                FGU, quarterly).
                                select "Archive" link

Jun. 22    ----------   Sum 09  Quarter begins, School of Medicine.

Jun. 22    ----------   Sum 09  Instruction begins for summer
                                quarter, School of Medicine.

Jun. 22    ----------   Sum 09  Instruction begins, Summer Session I
                                and Summer Session 10WK.

Jun. 22    Registrar    Fal 09  Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List
                                emailed to deans (Monday of 9th week
                                previous quarter through Monday of
                                4th week current quarter, quarterly).

Jun. 26    Registrar    Spg 09  School/department copies of students'
                                transcripts available to deans.

           Week of June 29 - July 5 located in the month of July 2009.