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Registrar's Office Processing Calendar - September, 2009

Week of Aug. 31 - Sep. 6

Aug. 31    Registrar    Fal 09  Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List
                                emailed to deans (Monday of 9th week
                                previous quarter through Monday of
                                4th week current quarter, quarterly).

Aug. 31-   Deans        Wtr 10  Complete data entry into ESOC by 5 p.m.
Sept 4                          on Friday, Sep. 4.  Fix CASPER discrepancies; 
                                verify max capacities; be sure cross-listings
                                are identical and scheduled for same room and
                                time; clean-up order of course types/course

Sep. 1     SSS          Sum 09  SS 10WK Summer Study Abroad Program
                                file due to Registrar (one week prior
                                to FGU).

Sep. 3     ----------   Fal 09  Three weeks before classes begin.

Sep. 4     ----------   Sum 09  Summer Session II instruction ends.

Sep. 4     Instructors  Sum 09  WebGrades available for submission,
                                SS II, beginning at 5:00 p.m.
                                (last day of instruction).

Sep. 4     Deans        Wtr 10  Complete data entry into ESOC by 5 p.m.
                                to have classes considered in room 
                                assignment phase.

Week of Sep. 7 - 13

Sep. 7     ----------   Sum 09  Labor Day Holiday; campus offices 

Sep. 7     Registrar    Fal 09  Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List
                                emailed to deans (Monday of 9th week
                                previous quarter through Monday of
                                4th week current quarter, quarterly). 

Sep. 8     Instructors  Sum 09  Deadline for WebGrades submission,
                                SS 10WK, 5:00 p.m.

Sep. 8     Registrar    Sum 09  Final grade update for SS 10WK.

Sep. 8-9   ----------   Sum 09  Summer Session II final examinations.

Sep. 9     Students     Sum 09  View SS 10WK grades in StudentAccess,
                                8:00 p.m.

Sep. 10    Registrar    Sum 09  Official transcripts and student copy
                                transcripts available to SS 10WK
                                students (2 business days after FGU). 
Sep. 10    Registrar    Sum 09  SS 10WK official transcripts held
                                for final grades mailed (2 business
                                days after FGU). 

Sep. 10    Registrar    Sum 09  SS 10WK Summer Study Abroad Program
                                student copy transcripts mailed to SSS
                                (2 business days after FGU).

Sep. 10    Registrar    Sum 09  Send verification data to the National
                                Student Clearinghouse by electronic 
                                transfer - Summer Session I and 10WK
                                (2 business days after FGU for SS 10WK).

Sep. 10    ----------   Fal 09  Two weeks before classes begin.

Sep. 11    Deans        Wtr 10  WebSOC comments due to Registar by
                                5:00 p.m.


Week of Sep. 14 - 20

Sep. 14    Registrar    Fal 09  Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List
                                emailed to deans (Monday of 9th week
                                previous quarter through Monday of
                                4th week current quarter, quarterly).

Sep. 15    Registrar    2008-09 Degrees Conferred File, 2008-09 due to
                                SW IS&AS.  Fall 2008 through spring
                                2009 degrees (September 15, annually).

Sep. 15    Registrar    Sum 09  Send CSS file, Third Week File, to SW
                                IS&AW, combined SS I, SS 10WK, SS II
                                (September 15, annually).

Sep. 15    Instructors  Sum 09  Deadline for WebGrades submission,
                                SS II, 5:00 p.m.

Sep. 15    Registrar    Sum 09  Final grade update for SS II.

Sep. 15    *Students    Fal 09  Last day to pay fees online or to
                                Cashier without $50 late payment
                                charge (4:30 p.m.).

Sep. 15    *Registrar   Fal 09  Class drop deadline. Classes
                                dropped if registration fees are not
                                paid by 4:30 p.m. or if a hold
                                remains on student's record.  WebReg
                                unavailable until noon, Sept 18.

Sep. 16    Students     Sum 09  View SS II grades in StudentAccess,
                                8:00 p.m.

Sep. 16 & Students      Fal 09  Late fee payment subject to $50 late
thereafter                      payment charge; deadline was
                                September 15.

Sep. 16    LARC         Fal 09  Registration priority list and free 
                                tutorial list to Registrar.

Sep. 16    Deans/       Wtr 10  Room Assignment Meeting TBA
           Registrar            9:00 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.  Opportunity
                                to review and negotiate for changes to
                                room assignments.  

Sep. 17    Registrar    Sum 09  Send verification data to the National 
                                Student Clearinghouse by electronic
                                transfer - Summer Session II and 10WK
                                (2 business days after FGU for SS II).

Sep. 17    Registrar    Sum 09  Official transcripts and student copy
                                transcripts available to SS II
                                students (2 business days after FGU).

Sep. 17    Registrar    Sum 09  SS II official transcripts held for
                                final grades mailed (2 business days
                                after FGU).

Sep. 17    Registrar    Sum 09  SS I, SS 10WK, and SS II official
                                transcripts for other UC campuses
                                mailed (2 business days after FGU).

Sep. 17    Deans        Fal 09  Deadline for changes to ESOC for 
                                2nd Open Enrollment Period (noon, day
                                before 2nd Open Enrollment begins, 

Sep. 17    ----------   Fal 09  One week before classes begin.

Sep. 17    Registrar    Fal 09  Waitlist system released to fill seats vacated
                                by students who were dropped from their
                                classes for non-payment of fees or if a hold 
                                remains on their record (5-8 p.m.).

Sep. 17-18 Deans        Wtr 10  Update R25 and ESOC with results from
                                Room Assignment Meeting.

Sep. 18    Instructors  Sum 09  Final grade course reports due to
                                SOM Registrar.

Sep. 18    ----------   Fal 09  2nd Open Enrollment Period begins, 

Week of Sep. 21 - Sep. 27

Sep. 16 & Students      Fal 09  Late fee payment subject to $50 late
thereafter                      payment charge; deadline was
                                September 15.

Sep. 21    Registrar    Spg 09  Send verification data to the National
                                Student Clearinghouse by electronic 
                                transfer - graduates only (2008-2009
                                degree recipients).  (First day of 
                                Fall quarter.)

Sep. 21    ----------   Fal 09  Quarter begins.

Sep. 21    Registrar    Fal 09  Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List
                                emailed to deans (Monday of 9th week
                                previous quarter through Monday of
                                4th week current quarter, quarterly).

Sep. 21-23 ----------   Fal 09  Academic advising and orientation.

Sep. 21-25 Deans        Wtr 10  Load classes from ESOC to R25 for
                                manipulation in Schedule25. 

Sep. 22    Registrar    Sum 09  SS 10WK & SS II school/department
                                copies of students' transcripts
                                available to deans.

Sep. 23    Students     Fal 09  LARC registration for priority 
                                students begins at 12:01 a.m. using 

Sep. 23    Students     Fal 09  2nd Open Enrollment Period ends 
                                5:00 p.m. (Wednesday before 1st day
                                of instruction).

Sep. 23    Students     Fal 09  WebReg available for Electronic
                                Add/Drop courses 8:00 p.m.

Sep. 23    Registrar    Fal 09  Update students' records and begin
                                production of updated reports.

Sep. 24    ----------   Fal 09  Instruction begins (Thursday).

Sep. 24    Registrar    Fal 09  Send verification data to the National
                                Student Clearinghouse by electronic 
                                transfer (first business day after EAD
                                begins, and weeks 1, 3, 6, & 10, quarterly).

Sep. 25    Registrar    Fal 09  Class Enrollment Statistics and
                                Study Lists available to deans.

*****      *****

Sep. 26    Students     Fal 09  LARC registration opens to all
                                students at 12:01 a.m. using WebReg.

* = Heavy student traffic in lobby of Aldrich Hall

          Week of Sep. 28 - Oct. 4 located in the month of October 2009.