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Thursday, March 13, 2025
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Week of April 27 - May 3 Apr. 27- Registrar Fal 09 Prepare SOC for enrollment and WebSoc May 1 publishing. Link classes. Establish waitlists. Apr 29 Spec Prog Fal 09 Deadline to identify continuing Special Program students to Registrar for enrollment priority (Wednesday of 5th week, quarterly). Apr 30 Deans Fal 09 Deadline to place student record holds affecting future registration (Thursday of 5th week, quarterly). May 1 Deans Wtr 09 Degree award certifications due to Registrar (six weeks after quarter ends). May 1 Grad Div Spr 09 Commencement list due to Registrar. May 1 ---------- Spg 09 End of fifth week of classes. May 1 Registrar Fal 09 Last day for Registrar to: prepare SOC for enrollment and publishing; link classes; establish waitlists. (Friday of 5th week, previous quarter, quarterly.) May 1 OARS Fal 09 Generate enrollment windows and fee assessments for new undergraduate students. ***** ***** May 1-2 Registrar Spg 09 Update students' records and produce updated reports. May 1-2 Registrar Spg 09 Delete Spg 09 fee assessments for medical students and visitors that have not paid for Spring 2009. May 1-2 Registrar Sum 09 Generate enrollment windows and fee assessments for continuing F/H/EMBA students. May 1-2 Registrar Sum 09 Generate enrollment windows and fee assessments for continuing School of Medicine students. May 1-2 Registrar Fal 09 Generate enrollment windows and fee assessments for continuing undergraduate and graduate students. May 2 Registrar Fal 09 Schedule of Classes available (Saturday, of 5th week, previous quarter, quarterly). Week of May 4 - 10 May 4 Registrar Wtr 09 Honors eligibility list available to deans for diplomas (first business day after degree award certification deadline). May 4 Registrar Fal 09 Make ESOC available again (Monday of 6th week, previous quarter, quarterly.) May 6 Registrar Spg 09 CSS file, Third Week File, due to SW IS&AS (sent 4th week, due Wednesday of 6th week, quarterly). May 7 Deans Fal 09 Deadline to update B restricted classes in ESOC (12:00 noon, Thursday of 6th week, previous quarter, quarterly). May 8 Deans Spg 09 Deadline to edit/update electronic graduation applications. Updated commencement list due to Registrar. May 8 Students Spg 09 LARC registration ends at 5:00 p.m. May 8 Deans/ Spg 09 All change of program petitions and Students all other changes in academic records due to Registrar (Friday of 6th week, quarterly). May 8 *Students Spg 09 Last day to add or drop a class without dean's approval (Friday of 6th week, quarterly). May 8 ---------- Spg 09 End of the sixth week of classes. May 8 Registrar Fal 09 Generate and distribute authorization codes for WebReg enrollment (Friday of 6th week, previous quarter, quarterly). May 8 Deans Fal 09 Deadline to submit prerequisites to Registrar for CAP - Comprehensive Active Prerequisite Checking (5:00 p.m., Friday of 6th week, previous quarter, quarterly). ***** ***** May 8-9 Registrar Spg 09 Update students' records and produce updated reports. Week of May 11 - 17 May 11 Registrar Spg 09 Send verification data to the National Student Clearinghouse by electronic transfer (first business day after EOA, and weeks 1, 3, 6, & 10, quarterly). May 11 Registrar Spg 09 SIS file, Sixth Week File, due to FS (Monday of 7th week, quarterly). May 11 Registrar Spg 09 Class Enrollment Statistics and Graduate Study Lists available to deans (Monday of 7th week, quarterly). May 11 Students Fal 09 Continuing students access WebReg to check when their enrollment window opens (Monday of 7th week, quarterly). May 13 Registrar Sum 08- List of degree candidates, including Spg 09 summer through spring latin honors for publication in the Commencement Program due to Ac Aff Edtr (Wednesday of 7th week, spring quarter, annually). May 14 Deans Fal 09 Deadline to modify ESOC for WebReg enrollment (12:00 noon, Thursday of 7th week, previous quarter, quarterly). May 15 ---------- Spg 09 End of seventh week of classes. May 15 Registrar Fal 09 Registrar reviews SOC for enrollment (Friday of 7th week, previous quarter, quarterly). ***** ***** May 15 Registrar Fal 09 Produce SOC Archive by Term, a snapshot copy of SOC (html) for WebReg enrollment (5:00 p.m., Friday of 7th week, previous quarter, quarterly). Week of May 18 - 24 May 18 Sch of Med Sum 09 School of Medicine begins enrolling their students. May 18 SBS Sum 09 Apply graduate/financial aid to School of Medicine student ZOT accounts. May 18 Students Fal 09 Continuing students begin enrolling in classes via WebReg. May 18 ---------- Fal 09 E/H/FMBA and EAP begin enrolling their students. May 22 ---------- Spg 09 End of eighth week of classes. Week of May 25 - 31 May 25 ---------- Spg 09 Memorial Day Holiday; campus offices closed. May 25 Registrar Fal 09 Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List emailed to deans (Monday of 9th week previous quarter through Monday of 4th week current quarter, quarterly). May 29 ---------- Spg 09 End of ninth week of classes. * = Heavy student traffic in lobby of Aldrich Hall |