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Registrar's Office Processing Calendar - May, 2013

Week of April 29 - May 5

Apr. 29    Registrar    Spg 13  Send CSS file, Third Week File, to SW IS&AS 
                                (send Monday of 5th week, each term).

May 1      Spec Prog    Fal 13  Deadline to identify continuing       
                                Special Program students to       
                                Registrar for enrollment priority
                                (Wednesday of 5th week, each term).

May 2      Deans        Fal 13  Deadline to place student record holds
                                affecting future registration
                                (Thursday of 5th week, each term).

May 3      Deans        Wtr 13  Degree award certifications due to
                                Registrar (six weeks after quarter

May 3      Deans/       Spg 13  All change of program petitions and
           Students             all other changes in academic records
                                due to Registrar (Friday of 5th
                                week, each term).

May 3      ----------   Spg 13  End of fifth week of instruction.

May 3      Registrar    Fal 13  Last day for Registrar to: prepare SOC
                                for enrollment and publishing;
                                link classes; establish waitlists.
                                (Friday of 5th week, previous term,
                                each term.)

May 3      Deans        Fal 13  Deadline to submit prerequisites to
                                Registrar for CAP - Comprehensive
                                Active Prerequisite Checking
                                (5 p.m., Friday of 5th week,
                                previous term, each term).

*****      *****

May 3-4    Registrar    Spg 13  Update students' records and produce
                                updated reports.

May 3-4    Registrar    Spg 13  Delete Spg 13 fee assessments for visitors 
                                that have not paid.

May 3-4    Registrar    Sum 13  Generate fee assessments for continuing
                                F/H/EMBA student (enrollment windows not 
May 3-4    Registrar    Fal 13  Generate enrollment windows for continuing
                                undergraduate and graduate students.
                                Fees with be assessed in July.

May 4      Registrar    Sum 13  Start daily course data download to 
                        Fal 13  OIT (Saturday of 5th week, previous 
                                term, each term).

May 4      Registrar    Fal 13  Schedule of Classes available (Saturday,
                                of 5th week, previous term, each term).

Week of May 6 - 12

May 6      Registrar    Wtr 13  Winter Honors eligibility list available to 
                                deans for diplomas (first business day after 
                                degree award certification deadline).

May 6      Registrar    SS 12   Send verification data to the National Student 
                                Clearinghouse by electronic transfer - School 
                                of Law.

May 6      Registrar    Spg 13  Spring Honors eligibility list available to 
                                deans for commencement list (first business 
                                day after winter degree award certification 
                                deadline, spring term annually).

May 6      Registrar    Fal 13  Make ESOC available again (Monday of 6th week, 
                                previous term, each term.)

May 6      Registrar    Fal 13  Authorization codes available in WebRosters
                                (Monday of 6th week, previous term, each

May 9      OARS         Fal 13  Generate enrollment windows for new 
                                undergraduate students-Freshman and transfers 
                                (Thursday of 6th week, Spring quarter). Fees 
                                will be assessed in July.

May 8      Registrar    Spg 13  CSS file, Third Week File, due to SW IS&AS
                                (sent 4th week, due Wednesday of 6th week, 
                                each term).

May 10     Deans        Spg 13  Deadline to edit/update electronic graduation
                                applications.  Updated commencement list due 
                                to Registrar. (5 p.m., Friday of 6th week, 
                                spring quarter, annually.)

May 10     Students     Spg 13  Last day to drop a course without receiving
                                a W grade; both $3 service charge and deans'
                                approval required (5 p.m., Friday of 6th
                                week, each term).

May 10     Students     Spg 13  Last day to change the grading or variable 
                                units of a course; both $3 service charge 
                                and dean's approval required (5 p.m.
                                Friday of 6th week, each term).

May 10     Students     Spg 13  LARC registration ends at 5 p.m. (Friday of
                                6th week, each term).

May 10     ----------   Spg 13  End of the sixth week of instruction.

*****      *****

May 10-11  Registrar    Spg 13  Update students' records and produce  
                                updated reports. 

May 11     Registrar    Sum 13  Start daily student data download to OIT 
                        Fal 13  (Saturday of 6th week, previous term, 
                                each term).

Week of May 13 - 19

May 13     Registrar    Spg 13  Send verification data to the National
                                Student Clearinghouse by electronic transfer -
                                general campus (1st day of instruction and 1st
                                business day after weeks 1, 3, 6, & 10, 
                                each term).

May 13     Registrar    Spg 13  SIS file, Sixth Week File, due to FS
                                (Monday of 7th week, each term).
May 13     Registrar    Spg 13  Class Enrollment Statistics and Graduate  
                                Study Lists available to deans (Monday of 
                                7th week, each term).

May 13     Students     Fal 13  Continuing students access WebReg to
                                check time and date of enrollment windows 
                                (Monday of 7th week, each term).

May 13     ----------   Fal 13  F/H/EMBA and EAP begin enrolling their
                                students (Monday of 7th week, each term).

May 15     Registrar    Sum 12- List of degree candidates, including
                        Spg 13  summer through spring latin honors
                                for publication in the Commencement
                                Program due to Ac Aff Edtr (Wednesday
                                of 7th week, spring quarter, annually).

May 15     Students     Sum 13  Last day for School of Medicine students 
                                to pay fees online or to Cashier without
                                $50 late payment charge (4 p.m.).

May 15     Registrar    Sum 13  Update enrollment for School of Medicine.
May 16     Registrar    Sum 13  Updated Short Form Study List due to
                                School of Medicine.

May 16 &   Students     Sum 13  Late fee payment subject to $50 late
thereafter                      payment charge, School of Medicine   
                                students; deadline was May 15.
May 16     Deans        Fal 13  Deadline to modify ESOC for WebReg 
                                enrollment (12 noon, Thursday of
                                7th week, previous term, each term).

May 17     ----------   Spg 13  End of seventh week of instruction.

May 17     Registrar    Fal 13  Registrar reviews SOC for enrollment
                                (Friday of 7th week, previous term,
                                each term).

*****      *****

May 17     Registrar    Fal 13  Produce SOC Archive by Term,
                                a snapshot copy of SOC (html)
                                for WebReg enrollment (5 p.m.,
                                Friday of 7th week, previous
                                quarter, each term).

Week of May 20 - 26

May 16 &   Students     Sum 13  Late fee payment subject to $50 late
thereafter                      payment charge, School of Medicine;
                                deadline was May 15.

May 20     Students     Fal 13  Continuing students begin enrolling in
                                classes via WebReg (Monday of 8th week,
                                each term).

May 20     Students     Fal 13  Undergraduates: 18-unit enrollment limit
                                until noon, Sept 4.

May 24     ----------   Spg 13  End of eighth week of instruction.

Week of May 27 - Jun. 2

May 16 &   Students     Sum 13  Late fee payment subject to $50 late
thereafter                      payment charge, School of Medicine; 
                                deadline was May 15.
May 27     ----------   Spg 13  Memorial Day Holiday; campus offices

May 27     ----------   Sum 13  Quarter begins, School of Medicine.

May 27     Registrar    Fal 13  Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List
                                emailed to deans (Monday of 9th week
                                previous term through Monday of
                                4th week current term, each term).

May 28     ----------   Sum 13  Instruction begins for summer quarter,
                                School of Medicine.

May 31     ----------   Spg 13  End of ninth week of instruction.