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Registrar's Office Processing Calendar - November, 2010

Week of Nov. 1 - Nov. 7

Nov. 1     Students     Wtr 11  Deadline to readmit (undergraduate)
                                (November 1, annually).

Nov. 1     Registrar    Wtr 11  Make ESOC available again (Monday of 
                                6th week, previous quarter, quarterly.)

Nov. 3     Registrar    Fal 10  CSS file, Third Week File, due to SW  
                                IS&AS (sent 4th week, due Wednesday 
                                of 6th week, quarterly).

Nov. 5     Students     Fal 10  LARC registration ends at 5:00 p.m.

Nov. 5     Students     Fal 10  Last day to drop a course without receiving
                                a W grade; both $3 service charge and deans'
                                approval required (5:00 p.m., Friday of 6th
                                week, quarterly).

Nov. 5     Students     Fal 10  Last day to change the grading or variable 
                                units of a course; both $3 service charge 
                                and dean's approval required (5:00 p.m.
                                Friday of 6th week, quarterly).

Nov. 5     ----------   Fal 10  End of sixth week of instruction.

Nov. 5     Deans        Wtr 11  Deadline to submit prerequisites to
                                Registrar for CAP - Comprehensive
                                Active Prerequisite Checking
                                (5:00 p.m., Friday of 6th week,
                                previous quarter, quarterly).

*****      *****

Nov. 5-6   Registrar    Fal 10  Update students' records and produce  
                                updated reports. 

Nov.  6    Registrar    Wtr 11  Start daily student data download to OIT 
                        SS  11  (Saturday of 6th week, previous quarter, 

Week of Nov. 8 - 14

Nov. 8     Registrar    FS 10   Send verification data to the National Student 
                                Clearinghouse by electronic transfer - School 
                                of Law.

Nov. 8     Registrar    Fal 10  Send verification data to the National Student 
                                Clearinghouse by electronic transfer - general 
                                campus (1st day of instruction and 1st
                                business day after weeks 1, 3, 6, & 10, 

Nov. 8     Registrar    Fal 10  SIS file, Sixth Week File, due to     
                                FS (Monday of 7th week, quarterly).

Nov. 8     Registrar    Fal 10  Class Enrollment Statistics and Graduate 
                                Study Lists available to deans (Monday of
                                7th week, quarterly).

Nov. 8     Students     Wtr 11  Students access WebReg to see when 
                                their enrollment window opens 
                                (Monday of 7th week, quarterly).

Nov. 8     ----------   Wtr 11  Eight weeks before instruction begins.

Nov. 10    Deans        Wtr 11  Deadline to modify ESOC for WebReg 
                                enrollment (12:00 noon, Thursday of
                                7th week, previous quarter,
                                quarterly, unless a holiday, then
                                Wednesday of 7th week). 

Nov. 11    ----------   Fal 10  Veterans' Day Holiday; campus offices

Nov. 12    ----------   Fal 10  End of seventh week of instruction.

Nov. 12    Registrar    Wtr 11  Registrar reviews SOC for enrollment
                                (Friday of 7th week, previous quarter,
                                quarterly, unless a holiday, then
                                Thursday of 7th week). 

Nov. 12    Registrar    Wtr 11  Produce WebSOC Archive by Term,
                                a snapshot copy of WebSOC (html)
                                for WebReg enrollment (5:00 p.m.,
                                Friday of 7th week, previous
                                quarter, quarterly).

Week of Nov. 15 - 21

Nov. 15    Students     Wtr 11  Students (new and continuing) begin   
                                enrolling in classes via WebReg (Monday
                                of 8th week, quarterly).

Nov. 15    Students     Wtr 11  Undergraduates: 18-unit enrollment limit
                                during the Enrollment by Window period.

Nov. 15    ----------   Wtr 11  F/H/EMBA, EAP and School of Medicine
                                begin enrolling their students.  

Nov. 15    ----------   Wtr 11  Seven weeks before instruction begins.

Nov. 16    SBS          Wtr 11  Apply graduate/financial aid to
                                student ZOT accounts. 

Nov. 19    ----------   Fal 10  End of eighth week of instruction.

Week of Nov. 22 - 28

Nov. 22    Registrar    Wtr 11  Unauthorized and Multiple Repeat List
                                emailed to deans (Monday of 9th week
                                previous quarter through Monday of
                                4th week current quarter, quarterly).

Nov. 22    ----------   Wtr 11  Six weeks before instruction begins.

Nov. 22-24 Deans        Spg 11  Complete data entry into ESOC by 5 p.m.
                                on Wednesday, Nov. 24.  Fix
                                CASPER discrepancies; verify max 
                                capacities; be sure cross-listings are
                                identical and scheduled for same room
                                and time; clean-up order of course
                                types/course numbers.

Nov. 25-26 ----------   Fal 10  Thanksgiving Holiday; campus offices closed.

Nov. 26    ----------   Fal 10  End of ninth week of instruction.

          Week of Nov. 29 - Dec. 5 located in the month of December 2010.